Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Knit together

1 Samuel 18: 1
Now it came about when he had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself.

1 Samuel 20: 42
And Jonathan said to David, "Go in safety, inasmuch as we have sworn to each other in the name of the Lord, saying, 'The Lord will be between me and you, and between my decendants and your decendants forever'."

Rev 3: 20
'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; If any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with me."

~ Jonathan accepted David as heir to the throne of Israel and Judah over even himself. He angered his father Saul to the point where his own father tied to kill him, at the very idea of David on the throne. Jonathan was knit to David, and with the Lord between them, he saw David through the eyes of God. He willingly humbled himself giving up his own throne to his friend so that the will of God could prevail. Shortly thereafter, Jonathan died side by side with his father in battle. While David showed us the greatness of a true king, Jonathan showed us the greatness of a true friend. When Jesus knocks today, let us willing offer to Him the throne of our lives, for His greater purpose. Knit the Lord into our friendships today, so that we may see them as He does.
~ Chris


  1. An amazing story of true friendship... Beautiful story and explanation

  2. I love your explanation, dad...it makes the whole story come to life more. It is interesting the people whose paths we cross in life, and why we cross paths with them... somehow everyone effects the threads of the lives around them.
